1.If someone says 'are you ok?' you say?
* Nope.im not okey. i am Lan.hehe
2.How would you describe yourself?
* I am very good if i became a father.hahaha.trust me!
3.What do you like in a girl/boy?
*Responsibility and obey the right rules.tat's enough
4.How do you feel today?
*I was fel too lazy and lonely.mau balik umah.
5.What is your life's purpose?
*Tunaikan kewajiban sebagai hambaNya.insyallah
6.What's your motto?
*Kebahagian ada utk mereka yg menangis, kebahagiaan ada utk mereka yg telah tersakiti, kebhagian ada utk mereka yg telah mencari dan mencuba.
7.What do your friends think about you?
*Silent person, always making joke and kalo diam tanda roslan marah.haha
8.What do your parents think about you?
*independent and smart.yeke?hehe
9.what do you think about very often?
* Further my studies @ work directly..just wait and c
10.What is 2+2?
*i saw sumetime weird.haha.mybe the answer is 2=2 isnt?
11.What do you think of your bestfriend
*understanding person!
12.what is your life story?
*i dunno..cerita aku masih dlm pembikinan..
13.what do you want to be when you grow up?
14.What do you think when you see the person like you?
*be different!
15.What will you dance at your wedding?
*sud i?haha.no..
16.What will they play at your funeral
*Surah Yassin dan al-Fatihah
17.What is your biggest fear?
*ular..geli sgt.
18.What is your biggest secret?
*sy tahu soalan ini sebenarya utk korek rahsia org isnt?hahaha.
19.What do you want right now?
*i want talk with my ex gf..nothing more than that
20.What do you think of your friends?
*kdg2 segelintir kwn2 sy pentingkn diri dan ada baik dan sgt memahami.
21.What will you post this as?
*entah.xtahu ni.hihi
Thanks to mrs.Ambuyat..Sory not obey the rules for this tagged.hehe
sy nak tag miemi,ejan.
hencik roslan..huhuhu..aq delay lagi tag ni k??hutang3..hik2:)
hehe,nda pa2.its'ok.boleh je.hehe
Lawak lah ayat ko lan..tapi aku yakin ko mesti blh jd father yang paling baik punya..
ko pun takut ular erk.. ;)
haha.i am the good future father.hihi
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